Connecting your applications to a database can seem daunting, but with Superjoin, linking to an Amazon Redshift database is streamlined and secure. This detailed guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, troubleshoot common issues, and ensure your connections are as robust as they can be. Let’s dive in!

Step-by-step walkthrough: How to connect Redshift to Google Sheets


Launch Superjoin

Once Superjoin is installed, navigate to the Extensions menu tab in Google Sheets. Launch Superjoin from here. You should now see Superjoin running as a side panel on the right side of your screen.


Pick Redshift

Select Redshift from the list of available data sources.


Connect your Redshift Database

Enter your connection details.

HostThis is the endpoint of your Redshift cluster, which acts as the host for connection
PortUse the specific port for your Redshift database.Default is 5439
DatabaseSpecify the name of the database within your Redshift cluster that you want to query.mydatabase
UserEnter the username for connecting to your Redshift database.awsuser
PasswordProvide the password corresponding to the specified user.password123

Login to AWS

Log into the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Redshift dashboard.


Select the workspace

Select your workspace to view its details.In the Workspace Configuration tab, you can find the Endpoint and Port information.


Enable SSL

Implementing SSL for your database connections is a critical step toward securing your data. By following the specific steps you can protect your database from unauthorized access and ensure that your data remains confidential and intact during transmission.

If your database has a secure connection enabled (SSL), make sure to also enable it on Superjoin when connecting.


Complete logging in

Return to your Google Sheet & Superjoin. Click “Authorize” to finalize the connection settings. Once connected, Superjoin will display the Data Preview to confirm everything is running smoothly.