Creating New Column on an Import sheet

When you add a new column at the end of the sheet, Superjoin ensures that this column remains intact through data refreshes, without affecting any existing data or structure.

Create New Column in Between/Beginning

If you try to add a new column at the beginning or in between existing columns, this action will result in the column being deleted after the next data refresh or modification, as Superjoin preserves the integrity of the imported data layout.

Update Data Cells (Modifying Rows)

When modifying a row record, any changes made will be overridden by the data available at your source on the next data refresh. We recommend you to create a new column on the right of the imported data to store custom data.

Spreadsheet Limits

Each spreadsheet can handle up to 1.7 billion cells, which is the upper limit based on Miscrosoft Excel’s spreadsheet limitations. This makes it easy to manage extensive datasets within your existing sheets.