Only available on Google Sheets

Prepare to transform your Google Sheets experience with the groundbreaking SUPERGPT Functions! 🌟 Powered by OpenAI’s advanced language model, these tools enable you to conduct natural language processing, generate text, perform sentiment analysis, and even create code right in your spreadsheets. 🚀 Unlock new insights and enhance decision-making with these capabilities, streamlining your workflows for peak productivity. Dive into a new realm of possibilities and elevate your spreadsheet game with SUPERGPT functions!

How to use SUPERGPT Functions on Google Sheet?

SUPERGPT function

The simplest function to start using SUPERGPT in Google Sheets. Outputs the result in a single cell.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT(prompt, [value], [temperature], [model])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT("Write a tagline for an ice cream shop.")
OutputA response to your prompt in a single cell


prompt (cannot be empty)Instruction provided to the AI to generate a result in a single cell.
The prompt parameter can be:
- A string: "Write a tagline for an ice cream shop."
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
value (optional)Text, cell or range you want your prompt to apply to
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Like the SUPERGPT function, but even more user-friendly for quickly generating results in a list format.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_LIST(prompt, [value], [temperature], [model])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_LIST("Give me 5 good short ads about spreadsheets.")
OutputAs many responses to your prompt as you asked, one response per cell


prompt (cannot be empty)Instruction provided to the AI to generate a list.
The prompt parameter can be:
- A string: "Give me 5 good short ads about spreadsheets."
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
value (optional)Text, cell or range you want your prompt to apply to
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Fill in a range with generated results that follow the pattern of the example rows you choose!

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_FILL(examples, [inputs], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_FILL(S4:U5,S6:S14)
OutputThe empty part of the range will be filled based on the examples provided


examples (cannot be empty)Range containing complete examples that the AI should learn from (example: S4:U5)
inputs (optional)Range containing incomplete data that the AI should complete from the examples
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Like SUPERGPT, but outputs the results in a table. Very practical when the output is a table

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_TABLE(prompt, [head], [inputs], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_TABLE("top 10 most eaten fruits and their nutrition data", A1:D1, A2:A5, 0.8)
OutputThe response to your prompt in the shape of a table


prompt (cannot be empty)Instruction to generate a table.
The prompt parameter can be:
- A string: "top 10 most eaten fruits and their nutrition data"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
head (optional)Range containing at least one row. the first row should be headers, the following rows can be used to specify examples If left empty, headers will be generated automatically.
inputs (optional)Range containing partial rows to complete with SUPERGPT_TABLE
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Applies the given task to the given text. The default task is to fix grammar and spelling.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_EDIT(text, [task], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_EDIT("It is to cold in hear.", "Fix spelling and grammar mistakes.", 0.8)
OutputThe edited text in a single cell


text (cannot be empty)Input text to edit.
The text parameter can be:
- A string: "It is to cold in hear."
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
task (cannot be empty)Text, cell or range specifying how the text should be edited. Defaults to fixing grammar and spelling. Other examples:
- “Make it funnier”
- “Make it shorter”
- “Make it sound formal”
- “Add an ending”
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Applies user-defined tags to text or automatically suggests relevant tags if none are specified.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_TAG(value, [tags], [examples], [top_k], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_TAG("I love chocolate", "food, positive, negative")
OutputThe applicable tags as csv in a single cell


value (cannot be empty)Input text to tag.
The value parameter can be:
- A string: "I love chocolate"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
tags (optional)Comma-separated tags or range of tags applicable. If left empty, SUPERGPT_TAG will automatically come up with the tags
top_k (optional)Maximum number of tags to return
examples (optional)A table of examples in two columns. The first column should contain the inputs and the second column should contain the outputs.
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Classifies a given text into a single category.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_CLASSIFY(value, categories, [examples], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_CLASSIFY("banana", "fruit, vegetable")
OutputThe best applicable category


value (cannot be empty)Input text to classify.
The value parameter can be:
- A string: "banana"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
categories (cannot be empty)Comma-separated categories or range of categories to choose from. Only the most relevant category will be returned.
examples (optional)A table of examples in two columns. The first column should contain the inputs and the second column should contain the outputs.
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Extracts data (like email addresses or company names) from a text. Outputs as comma-separated values.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_EXTRACT(text, to_extract, [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_EXTRACT("I worked 5 years at and then 3 years at Apple", "companies")
OutputThe extracted entities as comma-separated values in a single cell


text (cannot be empty)Input text to extract data from.
The text parameter can be:
- A string: "I worked 5 years at and then 3 years at Apple"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
to_extract (cannot be empty)Text, cell or horizontal range specifying what you want to extract. Examples:
- "companies"
- B3:E3
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Summarizes text according to a given format (three sentences by default).

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_SUMMARIZE(text, [format], [temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_SUMMARIZE(A2:A10, “10 words or less”)
OutputReturns a summary of the input text in the format specified. Note - If selecting to summarize a range of cells, the output will be a summary for each individual cell of the selected range, not a single summary of all cells included in range.


text (cannot be empty)Input text to summarize.
The text parameter can be:
- A string: "Some long content"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
format (optional)Format of the summary. Examples:
- "key takeaways"
- "action items"
- "two paragraphs"
- "100 words"
- "tweets"
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.


Translates text from one language into another. Works better if you specify the source language.

How to use

Syntax=SUPERGPT_TRANSLATE(text, [target_language], [source_language], [instructions],[temperature])
Copy/paste example=SUPERGPT_TRANSLATE("Cool off with our delicious treats!", "spanish")
OutputThe requested translation in a single cell


text (cannot be empty)Input text to translate.
The text parameter can be:
- A string: "Cool off with our delicious treats!"
- A cell: A1
-A range of cells: A1:C3
target_language (optional)Language of the output. Examples: “spanish”, “chinese”, “french”. Defaults to “english”.
source_language (optional)Language of the input. Example: “english”
instructions (optional)Additional instructions for the translation. Can include a dictionary of translations.
temperature (optional)temperature is a number between 0 and 1. Use it to control creativity.

FAQs for SUPERGPT_ Functions