ABS (Absolute Value)

  • Syntax: abs(value)
  • About: Calculates the absolute (positive) value of a number, discarding the sign.
  • Example: If a Chargebee invoice has a negative adjustment value, you can use abs(-150) to ensure you’re working with positive values in calculations.

CEILING (Round Up)

  • Syntax: ceiling(value)
  • About: Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or multiple of significance.
  • Example: To estimate the ceiling value for the number of user licenses, use ceiling(250.75) to round up to the next whole number.

EXP (Exponential Function)

  • Syntax: exp(value)
  • About: Calculates e (Euler’s number) raised to the power of a given number.
  • Example: For exponential growth predictions of MRR, exp(0.5) might represent an increase factor.

FLOOR (Round Down)

  • Syntax: floor(value)
  • About: Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or multiple of significance.
  • Example: To calculate the maximum discount level on a Chargebee subscription, use floor(discount_percentage) to get a whole number.

LN (Natural Logarithm)

  • Syntax: ln(value)
  • About: Computes the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.
  • Example: To analyze the rate of growth of a subscription metric, apply ln(MRR) to the monthly recurring revenue.

LOG (Logarithm)

  • Syntax: log(value)
  • About: Calculates the logarithm of a number to a specified base, commonly base 10.
  • Example: To determine order of magnitude changes in usage statistics, log(subscription_quantity) can be applied.

MOD (Modulus)

  • Syntax: mod(value, divisor)
  • About: Returns the remainder after division of one number by another.
  • Example: Find the remainder of subscription months after dividing by 12 to calculate leftover months: mod(total_months, 12).

POWER (Exponentiation)

  • Syntax: power(base, exponent)
  • About: Raises a base number to the power of the exponent.
  • Example: To calculate the power of growth over time, use power(MRR, growth_factor).

RAND (Random Number)

  • Syntax: rand()
  • About: Generates a random number between 0 and 1.
  • Example: Randomly select a subset of users for a survey from Chargebee subscriptions by assigning rand() and picking the lowest values.

ROUND (Round to Decimals)

  • Syntax: round(value, num_decimals)
  • About: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
  • Example: To standardise financial reporting, round the MRR to two decimal places: round(MRR, 2).

SQRT (Square Root)

  • Syntax: sqrt(value)
  • About: Calculates the square root of a number.

SIN (Sine Function)

  • Syntax: sin(value)
  • About: Returns the sine of a value (angle) in radians.

COS (Cosine Function)

  • Syntax: cos(value)
  • About: Returns the cosine of a value (angle) in radians.

TAN (Tangent Function)

  • Syntax: tan(value)
  • About: Returns the tangent of a value (angle) in radians.

TRUNC (Truncate)

  • Syntax: trunc(value)
  • About: Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number.
  • Example: To display only the integer part of a revenue figure, use trunc(MRR).

SIGN (Sign Function)

  • Syntax: sign(value)
  • About: Determines if a number is negative, zero, or positive by returning -1, 0, or 1 respectively.
  • Example: To categorize change in MRR as increased, unchanged, or decreased, sign(MRR_change) could be used.