Follow the quickstart guide to get started with Superjoin 🚀

Steps to get up and running with Workflows ✨

Ensure Superjoin is installed and working before following the rest of the guide.

Open Create Drawer

Click on the + Create button. This will open the create drawer at the bottom of the side-panel screen.


Create Workflows

Click on New Workflow. This will take you to the worklow creation page.


Rename Workflow

Click on the pencil icon near Workflow 1. This will let you edit the workflow name.

You can’t edit this later! Once created, a workflow can’t be edited.
We will cover how to duplicate a workflow later in this guide.


Confirm New Name

Click on the tick (✔️) icon to cofirm the name. This will update the workflow’s name. Next, click on the Configre Trigger button to select the trigger for our workflow.


Select Trigger Type

Click on the Trigger Type dropdown to select a trigger for our workflow.

A trigger is an event which, when fired, will run the associated workflow.

Let’s start by selecting At Scheduled Time to run our workflow at a specified interval.


Select Interval

Click on the Interval Type dropdown to select the interval at which to run this workflow. Select Monthly to run the workflow on a particular date every month at the selected time.

You can also use other intervals like Hourly, Daily and Weekly


Other Triggers - Import Refresh

We also have another trigger called Import Refresh which fires whenever the data of the selected sheet refreshes (either manually or through a schedule).

It does not trigger when changing a sheet’s data by hand.



Click on New Action to open the new action side drawer. Here, you can select between two actions, Send Screenshot and Refresh Import. Select the screenshot action.

If the trigger for your workflow is an import refresh then that sheet cannot be an import refresh action.


Action - Send Screenshot

After selecting the send screenshot action, pick the sheet that you want screenshotted.

You can type the name of the sheet and search in the dropdown.


Select Range for screenshot

Click on start selection and wait for the sheet to open. Then start selecting the range and click on stop selection when you’re done.


Connect Slack (Optional)

If you wish to send the screenshot to a slack channel, follow this guide to connect your slack account.


Select Channel - Email

We discussed how to select Slack as a channel for sending a screenshot in the previous step. For sending a screenshot via email, we just have to write the emails in the to field, which is auto-populated with the emails of other users in your workspace for your convenience. You can write the subject and body in the provided fields.


Send Preview

You can test your action by clicking the send preview button and verify if everything is connected correctly.


Save Action

After the preview has been sent successfully, you can save the action and continue adding more actions to your workflow.

Saving an action does not save the workflow and if you go back to the home screen, you will lose your current work.


Save Workflow

Click on save workflow to save your workflow. It will now start executing whenever the associated trigger is fired (for import refresh based trigger) or repeat at the scheduled frequency.


Pause or Unpause a Workflow

Use the toggle to pause or unpause your workflow.


More Options

Click the three dots to view more options like delete, duplicate and workflow execution history.


Delete Workflow

Click the trash icon in the more options menu and then click the Delete button.